This image from Madrigal Pharmaceuticals shows the drug Rezdiffra.
CNN  — 

Good morning, my name is Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a health educator specializing in weight loss through nutritional and natural methods. I am an expert in nutrition dedicated to helping people transform their health.

Our "antidote to obesity" guarantees a weight loss of 22 lbs in 3 weeks. It is important that the weight loss takes place without any change in diet or physical exertion. With this method, you will lose 22, 66, 110 lbs, and more permanently. Just like Emma Johnson from Houston, who, thanks to our treatment... lost 220 lbs!

I have changed my life

I was so obese that I didn't want to leave the house out of shame. The children in the housing estate called me an elephant, and the mothers didn't even scold them but looked at me with disgust. I was afraid of dying alone and causing problems for my children because they would have to lift my dead weight out of the window with a crane. I fell asleep with this thought every night....

And today?

I weigh 157 lbs. I'm happier than ever before. And the most important thing: healthy! I no longer stay at home. I spend time with family and friends. And the best thing is that my ex-husband keeps calling me. He wants to come back to me. I don't know if I should agree because I'm dating younger and better-looking men now. The truth is that it's a miracle...

Today you too can lose 22, 66, 110 lbs and more and lead a healthy and happy life.

It doesn't matter whether you are a woman or a man. It doesn't matter how old you are, whether you've been overweight since childhood or just a few months ago. The cause doesn't matter either: a weakness for sweets, sitting, pregnancy, hormonal problems, menopause, medication, etc...

The only important thing is that you want to lose weight. That is the only thing that counts. You should know that you will achieve it quickly, easily, and safely with our treatment. Regardless of the circumstances.

• If you now weigh 220 lbs...

In 3 weeks you will weigh 198 lbs and in 12 weeks you will weigh 154 lbs! We guarantee that you will lose 22 lbs in 3 weeks. The effect has been confirmed beyond doubt in clinical studies involving 27,000 men and women between the ages of 18 and 75.

• You fear for your health...

...because your cholesterol and blood sugar levels are too high, your joints hurt, you have no energy, and you are afraid that your excess weight will set you back years... In just 2 weeks, your test results will be perfect. You will be bursting with energy. You will no longer have to worry about your health and your life because thanks to a slim and healthy silhouette, you no longer have any reason to.

• If you love good food and are unable to stick to a diet...

You don't have to do it at all! It is even contraindicated. You can eat whatever you feel like because eating has no influence on the effect of the treatment. You will lose weight without having to give up anything. How? We'll tell you below.

• You don't like to exercise...

Don't do it! Your body is now overloaded with extra kilos. Start with physical activity if it doesn't put too much strain on your joints. If you feel like exercising, do it in 2 to 4 weeks when you are already slim. Then you will enjoy it much more.

• People laugh at your excess weight...

Let them laugh. Don't waste your time worrying about it. If they're mean enough to judge you on your looks, they don't deserve your attention at all. What's more, in a few weeks, you'll have a slim, attractive and above all healthy body that everyone will envy!

• You have an obesity complex...

...because it is becoming increasingly difficult to find clothes that fit you or your partner no longer likes you, give yourself less than a month. You will finally be wearing beautiful clothes that are several sizes smaller and look great on you. Your partner will stop looking at thinner people and fall in love with you again. And you will feel perfect in your slim body and enjoy looking at yourself in the mirror.

And all that...

  • Without diet, without sport
  • Without wasting money
  • Without leaving the house

How did we invent our automatic slimming method?

We made our groundbreaking discovery during a mission trip to Singapore dedicated to 10 medical geniuses from around the world. Although we don't want to pat ourselves on the back, we have to admit that we found ourselves among these 10 geniuses.

Our love of medicine, a new approach to the problem of obesity, and our tenacity helped us. We worked day in, day out for 17 months, pouring sweat and effort into our research. By overworking ourselves, we have put our health at risk. But that's okay because we have achieved a miracle that medicine could not or would not achieve for 45 years.

We could no longer stand by and watch people suffer because they were overweight.

Why did we decide to develop the antidote to obesity? To stop this domino effect of death! People are getting fat at an alarming rate, and because they are overweight, they are becoming seriously ill. But that's not their fault, is it?

It's the fault of the polluted environment we live in. It's the fault of highly processed food. It's the fault of hormonal problems. It's the fault of stress. It's the fault of living on the run. Blame sitting at work. The result of pregnancy or menopause. There are a variety of factors, but that's not important right now. What is important and really sad is how people treat obese people....

I am thin for the first time in my life

I was already chubby in kindergarten. I always had an appetite, much to the delight of my grandmother, who brought me up and fed me greasy food. Although I was the cutest at home, I was constantly called fat in class. All my life, I was ostracized because of my weight. I was in terrible physical shape. All I had to do was run a bit to catch the truck, and I was all sweaty. People stared at me. In general, my life was unbearable.

Thank goodness, a friend recommended this treatment to me (his father had used it and said it was amazing). I tried it and literally lost weight before my eyes. When I wake up in the morning, I still can't believe that I'm the skinny guy in the mirror. I finally got braver with women. I've been seeing Carla for two months now. Hopefully it will turn into a serious relationship. And the most important thing: when I visit my grandmother, I no longer make her feel bad by refusing her food, because I know that I won't get fat thanks to this treatment!

We do not allow overweight people to be seen as lazy and gluttonous.

My grandmother developed diabetes due to obesity and left this world prematurely?

- Was my grandmother lazy? Did she eat too much? Was she a meanie? Not at all! She was a beautiful woman with a big heart. She has never been lazy in her life. She has either worked in the garden, cooked for the whole family, or looked after disabled children in a charity center. So she was very physically active! She even went on a diet and only ate 3 apples a day! That didn't work at all.

My father also died of a heart attack due to obesity...

- My father had a physically demanding job in a factory. He had to carry weights all the time. Every working day was like an intensive workout in the gym. Despite this, he was 66 lbs overweight. He even went to nutritionists, but they didn't help him at all. I would have given anything to have invented this antidote to obesity sooner. Dad would be with us today.

You are fantastic and deserve respect, regardless of your weight.

In this world, people who are visibly overweight are humiliated - we won't stand for it! Normally, overweight people are nicer than thin people. Because they know what it feels like to be ostracized or teased. That's why they show more kindness and understanding. They are wonderful friends.

198, 264, 330, 397 lbs? Those stupid numbers on the scales don't define you! The real you are in there, hidden behind a murderous layer of fat...

And you need to get rid of that layer of fat, not so that others will like you, but to save your health and even your life. The fact is that being overweight shortens your life by an average of 12 years. But it doesn't have to be that way - it CAN'T be!

Fitness into old age!

My husband and I were about 66 lbs overweight and had health problems as a result. As we got older, this meant that we had to carry more weight. My joints (knees and hips) were affected, and my blood sugar was too high, while Thomas developed arteriosclerosis. He complained every day that he was going to have a heart attack. The doctor at the clinic advised us to go on a diet and exercise more. We tried that for a while, but it didn't help much. When our granddaughter, Chloe found out about it, she searched the internet for a way to lose weight and found this method.

How wonderful! It worked just as well for Thomas and me. We lost one kilo at a time so quickly and easily that we couldn't believe it, I had to alter all the clothes I had on the sewing machine to reduce the sizes! But I'm glad we did, because now we're slim and full of vigor, just like when we were young. The doctor was amazed and sincerely told us that she was proud of patients like us.

They laughed at us when we started working in the lab...

The other "young geniuses" who received the medical scholarship in Singapore decided to work on solving problems such as diabetes, arteriosclerosis or osteoarthritis of the joints and spine. When we heard the news, we gritted our teeth in anger.

But all these diseases are caused by obesity! It is simple and logical to fight the cause and not the consequence! People should be healthy because they are the right weight, not stuffed full of chemicals because of diseases caused by obesity.

We decided to do our best to develop the antidote to obesity. We pushed ourselves to the limit, day after day. We were formally warned about spending the night in the lab, because theoretically no one has access to these hours. But our research was going in such a good direction that we couldn't sleep at night from excitement. We had to keep working!

Our 17 months of research has revolutionized the approach to weight loss and obesity. We discovered a number of connections in the functioning of the human metabolism that no scientist had ever discovered before. When we began our research, we started from the assumption that...

Even a person who weighs 441 lbs is slim on the inside.

If you take an X-ray of your body, you will see a normal, slim silhouette on the screen. You can check whether you have it in you by squeezing your stomach, arms or legs. The flexible resistance you feel is excess fatty tissue.

You are wearing a heavy and unnecessary fat jacket over your thin body. Depending on how overweight you are, it can be up to several tens of centimeters thick. It can also weigh several dozen kilos. The good news is that you have an attractive body and an ideal figure on the inside. You are simply hidden behind that coat of fat. All you have to do is remove the mantle - we know how!

Every fat is different.

The fat coat is not a uniform substance. Let's take a closer look. On the medical monitor, you can see that the fat mantle consists of 3 layers.


Aqueous fat.

This is the outer layer, directly under the skin. It contains 57% water. This is exactly what causes cellulite and sagging, jelly-like skin.


Oily sebum.

This is the middle layer, similar to butter. It is always the heaviest. Toxins accumulate in it, causing stress, fatigue and skin problems.


Petrified fat: the greatest enemy to defeat!

This is the inner layer. It is the thinnest, but also the most compact and hardest, like the sole of a shoe. It is very difficult to remove. This is precisely why the yo-yo effect occurs. How does it come about? Even if you manage to lose weight, the petrified fat "wants" to cover itself with more layers of fat, and quickly.

In our clinical studies with 9000 obese people, we have clearly demonstrated that the known methods for weight loss only work on the second layer of the fat mantle, i.e. the sebum. This leads nowhere.

The real cause of the yo-yo effect

When you lose weight through diet and exercise, you burn off several kilos of fat, but the petrified fat remains. You lose weight and the petrified fat immediately takes revenge on you! It stimulates the rapid increase in fat deposits. This creates the yo-yo effect, which destroys all efforts and causes you to put on weight faster than you lost it.

I have conquered my complexes and found love again.

In my entire life, I have tried to lose weight exactly 17 times. I've tried starvation diets without success. Cabbage diet, Dukan diet, detox diet, ketogenic diet. I've tried everything without success. I was devastated because all my relationships went to hell because of my complexes. I was jealous of my partners, I complained about my appearance. I never thought I would lose weight after so many years of torment, but with this product, it was unbelievable!

Shopping for clothes is no longer a problem for me as my size, S or M is available everywhere!!!!! I no longer feel embarrassed when people stare at me on vacation. A 180-degree turnaround, really. I feel 100% like a woman who is worth a lot and deserves the attention of men. I'm not afraid of being cheated on by a thinner woman, because now I'm the thin woman! Also, my current boyfriend recently proposed to me - I love my life!

Dissolve petrified fat with a powerful punch and NEVER worry about being overweight again.

Fossilized fat is your real enemy. If you don't get rid of it, you will never get rid of your excess weight. You can only get rid of petrified fat with our treatment, because we have discovered petrified fat. We have proven its existence, analyzed it and developed the only method to destroy it. How does it work?


Automatic and rapid burning of fatty tissue.

As the petrified fat decomposes, the sebum literally loses "its foundation". It no longer has anything to cling to and therefore burns away. In this way, the watery layer of fat also disappears very quickly: you will be rid of your cellulite in just 12 days.


Purification of the body from toxins.

By burning the oily sebum thanks to the decomposition of the fossilized fat, the body is purified by eliminating the toxins that had accumulated in this layer. As a result, you sleep better and have more strength and optimism. Skin, hair and nails are regenerated and nourished. Health and beauty effect.


Protection from the yo-yo effect.

And the most important thing: reducing petrified fat prevents the yo-yo effect. This means that once you have lost weight, you will never gain it again. Research has clearly shown that the body resets its lipid memory as soon as petrified fat is broken down. It simply forgets how the layers of fat accumulate on the stomach, thighs, buttocks and the whole body. Your metabolism becomes faster and faster, so you can eat what you want without getting fat. Great, isn't it?

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Fatty, toxic, and energyless body.

Slim, energetic, and healthy body without toxins.

Your body is already athletic.

What a size! You carry the extra kilos around with you every day. It's like taking 2 jugs of water and carrying them around with you all day. Without putting them down. No athlete is able to carry all the weight that obese people carry around with them all day long and for years!

Our treatment only works on fat. To be more precise: it only burns fat without burning muscle. This is very important. This way you simply bring out your already athletic body. You not only get an attractive figure, but also defined muscles, capacity and strength.

You no longer have to struggle in the gym. You already have a healthy body inside you. All you have to do is take off your fat jacket. Our treatment allows you to take off your fat jacket as easily and quickly as you would take off a robe.

Fast and healthy!

This whole treatment happened in the blink of an eye! I applied this product on the very first day of my vacation. When I returned to the office 2 weeks later, everyone was amazed. My boss even spoke to me in private, fearing I had a serious illness because I had lost so much weight so quickly, and he breathed a sigh of relief when I told him about the treatment and how wonderful I felt! He congratulated me and asked me what the product was called as he wanted to buy it for his daughter who had become fat from steroids. The treatment has also helped my boss's daughter (she has slimmed down to the right weight), and now I've got a pay rise!

Plants that decompose fossilized fat in one go.

The true antidote to obesity has been around for centuries in the form of plants. These plants have been growing silently on the earth, just waiting for someone to finally notice them. It was enough to combine them and let them work. All that was needed was a genuine desire to rid humanity of its excess weight...

At the beginning of our research, we selected more than 100 plants and examined them thoroughly. In the course of the studies, we obtained the most effective extracts. Each of them had a similar effect to exercise and diet. But that was not enough.

The activity of these extracts could be compared to the work of a miner who has to dig a tunnel through a mountain on his own. He would succeed, but it would take a lifetime. To get through the mountain, you need a huge auger, which takes several days to do the job.

Our treatment is like a giant drill through the mighty mountain of excess weight.

Its effectiveness lies in the combination of unique plant extracts from 4 continents. These ingredients work 100 times stronger thanks to the combination. This combination surprises petrified fat. It doesn't even fight back, it just goes away and frees the body from excess weight!

Get to the source of the problem.

Another important decision was the form of our obesity product. Exercise, diet, fat burning purposes and transdermal patches only work on the sebum or water fat. That is, the fat that disappears but comes back twice as strong.

That is why we have opted for a natural product that penetrates directly into the cells and acts on the entire surface of the body surrounded by fat. Highly concentrated, it dissolves petrified fat in its entirety.

"Historic milestone in medicine".

This is how globally recognized medical professors describe our treatment. Why?

  • Lose 22 lbs in 2 weeks: If you use our method, you will lose weight 12 times faster than with a strict diet and daily exercise.
  • It is natural and safe: it contains only natural ingredients that show no mercy to petrified fat, but also do not affect the digestive system. They do not interact with medications and do not cause allergies.
  • A change in diet is not necessary, it is even forbidden! Dieting slows down the metabolism, which is contraindicated for weight loss. Our treatment works smarter by destroying the enemy of your slim silhouette: petrified fat.
  • You do not have to exert yourself physically: You can exercise during treatment, but you don't have to. You lose weight regardless of your physical activity. You can sit on the sofa and watch TV for hours and still achieve the guaranteed effect.
  • You don't have to pay too much for it: The thousands of euros you'd spend on a nutritionist, gym, tea, and supplements stay in your pocket.
  • But above all: it is based on the latest research findings and has been proven beyond doubt by 7 research institutes around the world.

Effectiveness at all times and under all circumstances.

These are the graphs taken from our research and national studies from research centers in Japan, the USA, Canada, Scotland, France, Switzerland and Norway. The results presented relate to a total of 27,000 women and men aged 18-98.

Average weight loss in 2 weeks by age:
10.8 kg
18-29 years
10.1 kg
30-39 years
10.5 kg
40-49 years
10.5 kg
50-59 years
10.9 kg
60-69 years
10.8 kg
70-98 years

The results of the analyses clearly show that the treatment has a slimming effect regardless of age, with the best effects being observed in people aged 40-59.

Average weight loss in 2 weeks by occupation:
10.1 kg
Sedentary job (office)
10.4 kg
Standing job (store, restaurant)
10.7 kg
Physical labor (construction, courier)

The results of the analyses clearly show that the treatment leads to weight loss regardless of the level of physical activity at work.

Average weight loss in 2 weeks by gender:
10.8 kg
Women aged 18 to 98
10.2 kg
Men aged 18 to 98

The results of the analyses clearly show that the treatment leads to weight loss regardless of gender. Women lose weight slightly faster than men.

I eat what I want and I don't have a belly!

I had already been taken in several times by various advertisements and recommendations from friends. In this case, too, I wanted to say NO. But my daughters kept nagging me and telling me to use this product if I didn't want to eat salad all the time. So, I used it to get them to leave me alone. The composition is natural, so I assumed it wouldn't harm me, and they'd see it wasn't effective. Well, I had to swallow my words, and for once, I wasn't right. My tummy literally disappeared within a week. I must also admit that I feel much better. I even play soccer with my grandchildren without any problems. But I still eat my usual food. Very well.

See how easy it is.

You don't have to devour apples, carrots and salads for months on end. You don't have to work out at the gym. You don't even have to leave the house. You can eat whatever you want. You don't have to exercise. You change absolutely nothing in your daily life. The method with which you can lose 22 lbs in 3 weeks is very simple. How does the treatment work?

Simply take two gummies per day. And that's it. You don't need to worry about anything else. You live the same life as before, but your body is transformed into a calorie-burning machine that breaks down petrified fat to finally reveal the slim and attractive silhouette you have inside you!

This solution is safe!

You do not run the risk of becoming malnourished or weakened, as you would on a diet. You do not run the risk of injuring your joints or developing cardiac arrhythmia, as is the case with training. You have no side effects. Why?

The treatment is 100% natural. Its use does not interfere with any medication, does not irritate the digestive system, and does not cause allergies. And all thanks to its purely natural composition. The ingredients of the product have been combined in such a way that they are not invasive for the organism. Just like water, it is non-invasive.

Some people call us heroes, others call us... Crazy.

Yes, crazy... Because we've already decreased 27,000 people's weight without making any money from our discovery. We have collectively decided that especially now, when the global obesity plague is having a deadly impact, we don't want to get rich selling our automatic slimming treatment. We decided to make it accessible for people without making any profit ourselves. In six months, 27,000 people have already used it, which makes us incredibly happy.

But on October 09, 2024, we have to sell the patent for the treatment in order to obtain the funds for our next scientific research. We plan to develop further treatments for other diseases, including joint and spinal degeneration and senile dementia. However, this research is very costly and we need to raise funds.

Unfortunately, when the patent is sold, the treatment will be at least ten times more expensive than it is now. This is exactly why we want everyone who needs the treatment to buy it before the patent is sold. So we wholeheartedly encourage you to buy it NOW!

You risk nothing!

We call our automatic slimming cure LibertyBites Keto+ACV Gummies. When you buy LibertyBites Keto+ACV Gummies, you don't take any risks. Because you are protected by a triple guarantee: Originality, Quality and Satisfaction.

Certified original product: You can be sure that you are receiving an original product that is only available on this website.
Research-proven quality: thanks to the advanced production process, the treatment meets the highest quality standards. All ingredients are 100% confirmed to be safe for health.
Efficacy confirmed by 27,000 users: Numerous laboratory and consumer studies also confirm the unsurpassed effectiveness of the treatment.

Life is too beautiful to be shortened by obesity or complexes...

You don't have to suffer a moment longer. Defeat petrified fat and protect your health. You risk nothing. You have absolutely nothing to lose. The only thing you can lose is 44 lbs, 110 lbs and up to 220 lbs of excess weight. In return, you get an attractive figure, lots of positive energy and good health.

You are faced with a simple decision:


Do nothing...

Continue to suffer from the fat coat that surrounds your body, torment yourself with complexes and endanger your health...


Seize the opportunity you have NOW!

Dissolve the fossilized fat and get rid of the fat coating. It's very simple! Just take 2 minutes to fill in the form below and in a few days you will start losing weight.

Make your dream of a slim and healthy body come true!

Thank you for reading our message. If you use our treatment, in a few weeks time, when you are a slim and healthy person, you will remember this day with a smile on your face and think: "That was the day that changed my life..."

We wish you good health and happiness!

Dr. Sanjay Gupta

Important! Studies show that fall is the best time to use LibertyBites Keto+ACV Gummies, as the stabilization of average temperatures accelerates metabolic processes in the body and the product's effect is several times stronger. Treatment is 37% faster than at other times of the year.


September 22, 2024 and September 23, 2024

ORDER LibertyBites Keto+ACV Gummies

Ellie Hall
I've been trying to lose weight for more than 10 years, but only now have I done it! LibertyBites Keto+ACV Gummies has not only burned fat in my body, but also completely stopped my weight gain!
September 20, 2024
Richard Miller
I live in the provinces, so parcels can take months, but LibertyBites Keto+ACV Gummies was delivered in 2 days! You can see that the manufacturer values its customers and takes care of them, unlike pharmacies and the state.
September 21, 2024
Sophia Garcia
This miracle product disappears with cosmic speed. Hurry up, your last chance to lose weight quickly and easily will soon be gone!
September 21, 2024
Evelyn Brown
I was abnormally fat, 144 lbs... I couldn't even stand up. I went outside once in a few months: my joints hurt a lot, my bones ached... And now I am VERY grateful for this miracle cure! I lost 44 lbs in the first month alone! I felt much better, breathing became much easier. After the second month I had already lost 40 lbs and the doctors said that I would definitely live, that the excess weight would not kill me. Thank God! Thank you!!!!!
September 21, 2024
Abigail Jones
Take a look at my results! I am very glad that I bought your product! Too bad, the drugstore mafia will soon push LibertyBites Keto+ACV Gummies off the market.... That's terrible...
September 22, 2024
Thomas Moore
Every time I have taken LibertyBites Keto+ACV Gummies, I have felt better, both physically and mentally. This product not only makes me slimmer and helps me lose weight, but it also heals me. That is a real MIRACLE. It is a pity that this product will never be available in pharmacies again...
September 22, 2024
Scarlett Davis
All my life I went to doctors and only got comments like "Well, we're not omnipotent either". And only one doctor really understood me and wanted to help me: that was Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Now I only let myself be treated by him, because he recommends exceptionally high-quality remedies not only for weight loss, but also for treating the body in general.
September 22, 2024
Elizabeth Clark
With what disgust I remember all those gyms, weights, an eternally sweaty t-shirt and an unpleasant shower! I will NEVER, NEVER go to a gym again! What do I need that for when I've lost 9 lbs in a week with LibertyBites Keto+ACV Gummies!
September 22, 2024
ORDER LibertyBites Keto+ACV Gummies